


LEAVES: Alternate, simple, 3-5 lobed, 4″-7″ across, generally wider than long, light green above, paler and wooly beneath, petiole hollow at the base, enclosing next year’s bud.

TWIGS: At first green and hairy, later brownish, smooth, zigzag, buds cone-like with a single, smooth reddish brown scale.

FRUIT: A round, light brown ball 1″-1¼” in diameter, made up of many seeds surrounded by silky hairs, hanging singly or in pairs by a tough, slender stalk throughout the winter.

BARK: Consists of two layers, the outer peeling in brown flakes, the inner whitish, yellowish or greenish, the base of old trunks dark brown and fissured.

GENERAL: Large, massive trees typically found on streambanks and floodplains attaining heights of 70′-125′ or more. Also called Buttonwood or American planetree, the wood is used for furniture, butcher blocks and flooring. The London planetree, P. x acerifolia Willd., with 2-4 fruits per stalk, is commonly planted as a shade tree in urban areas.


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