


LEAVES: Alternate, simple, oval shaped, the largest 3″-4″ long by 1″-2″ wide, sharp- pointed tip, finely toothed margin, round or heart-shaped base.

TWIGS: Red-brown to gray-brown and slender. The buds 1/4″-1/2″ long, slender, sharp-pointed, greenish to reddish-brown.

FRUIT: Fleshy, sweet, dry or juicy, about 1/3″ in diameter with 10 small seeds. Ripening to red-purple in June-July. The flowers 1¼” wide, with five white petals, in terminal clusters, about April before the leaves.

BARK: Smooth, light gray, developing shallow longitudinal fissures with age.

GENERAL: Amelanchier arborea and A. laevis are small trees, typically under 40′ high. Also called Shadbush and Shadblow, names refering to their blooming as the shad ascend rivers to spawn. Showy white flowers of Serviceberry, seen through the still naked oaks, provide one of the first floral displays of spring on Pennsylvania ridges. The fruits are excellent food for birds, bears and other wildlife. Humans eat the berries fresh, or in pies, muffins or jam. Seven shrub species of Serviceberry are also found in Pennsylvania.



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