Scarlet Oak


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LEAVES: Alternate, simple, 3″-6″ long, with 7-9 narrow, bristle-tipped lobes, sinuses between the lobes go almost to the mid-rib. Shiny bright green above, paler and smooth beneath except for small tufts of hair in vein-axils; named for its scarlet autumn color.

TWIGS: Reddish brown, smooth when mature. Buds blunt pointed, to 1/4″ long, upper half wooly.

FRUIT: An acorn, to 1″ long, oval, light brown; kernel white and bitter, ripening over two growing seasons. Cup bowl-like, covering 1/2″ of the nut; cup scales sharp pointed, smooth and tight.

BARK: Smooth and light brown for many years, older trunks are ridged, darker; inner bark reddish.

GENERAL: A medium to large sized tree to 75′, of dry upland sites and many parks and streets. Drooping dead lower branches persist on the tree for many years. The acorns are important food for many mammals and larger birds. Fungus often infects Scarlet oaks as they reach medium size, rotting the wood.


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