Quaking Aspen



LEAVES: Alternate, simple, almost round 1″-3″ in diameter, margins finely toothed, shiny dark green above, lighter below; petiole slender, flattened.

TWIGS: Slender, reddish brown, smooth, shiny, pith white and 5-angled. Buds sharp- pointed, smooth, shiny, often curved inward.

FRUIT: Cone-shaped capsules on a drooping stalk, each ¼” long, and containing 10- 12 seeds. Fruits mature in early summer releasing seeds covered with long silky hairs.

BARK: Pale yellow green to silvery gray when young, whiter at higher altitudes, becoming dark gray and rough with age.

GENERAL: A medium sized tree, typically reaching 60′ high, of rapid growth but short- lived. Most common on sandy or gravelly soils of old fields and open woods in northern Pennsylvania, but it can be found throughout the state. Important for revegetating recently cut or burned areas by sprouting from widespread roots. Its wood is used chiefly for pulp in manufacturing paper and cardboard. Many animals browse the twigs and it is a favorite food of beaver.


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