Paper Birch


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LEAVES: Alternate, simple 2″-3″ long, 1½”-2″ wide, upper surface dark green, lower surface light green, narrowed or rounded at the base, sharply toothed margins and sharp-pointed tip.

TWIGS: At first greenish and hairy, later becoming smooth reddish-brown.

FRUIT: A cylindrical, short-stalked strobile about 1½” long. The seeds are small and winged.

BARK: Trunk and older branches chalky to creamy white, marked with horizontal stripes and peeling off in thin layers. Older trunks rough and often fissured into irregular thick scales.

GENERAL: A large tree to 50′-75′ high on upland woods and slopes in northcentral and northeastern Pennsylvania. Seeds and buds are eaten by the Pennsylvania state bird, the Ruffed grouse. Twigs are browsed by deer. Native Americans used the bark for constructing canoes, shelters and containers.


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