Black Cherry



LEAVES: Alternate, simple, 2″-5″ long, narrow with tapering tip, shiny above, paler below and usually with one or more small glands at the base; margins with short in- curved teeth which distinguish it from other cherries.

TWIGS: Smooth, reddish brown, marked with numerous pale, round lenticels; often covered with a thin gray coating which rubs off easily. Buds smooth, shiny, sharp- pointed, reddish brown tinged with green.

FRUIT: Round, black with a purplish tint, 1/3″ -1/2″ in diameter, containing a single round, stony seed. Arranged in hanging clusters. Flowers white, in June.

GENERAL: Commonly 50′-75′ high, Black cherry grows throughout the State. It thrives best in fertile alluvial soil but also grows on dry slopes. The hard reddish-brown wood is highly prized for quality furniture and interior trim. Many game birds, song birds, and mammals, including black bear, eat the fruits and seeds.



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