American Linden



LEAVES: Alternate, simple, heart-shaped, 4″-7″ long, shiny, dark green above, tufts of rusty hair beneath, margins sharply toothed.

TWIGS: Green or reddish when young, turning brownish-red, usually zigzag, buds deep red to greenish usually lopsided with 2-3 visible scales.

FRUIT: Nut-like, thick-shelled, downy, about the size of a pea, borne in groups from a long stem attached to narrow modified leaf called a bract. The clustered fruit and bracts may remain on the tree until late winter. Flowers yellowish-white, fragrant.

BARK: Young trunks smooth, dark gray, breaking into narrow scaly ridges on older trees.

GENERAL: A large tree usually found in mixture with other hardwoods on moist, rich valley soils. Wood used for a variety of products including boxes venetian blinds, sashes, doors, picture frames and furniture. Also called Basswood.


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