American Beech



LEAVES: Alternate, simple, 3″-4″ long, stiff leathery texture, with a tapered tip and sharply toothed margins, light green and glossy above, yellow green below.

TWIGS: Slender, dark yellow to gray, at first hairy, later smooth, zigzag. Buds very long slender sharp-pointed, covered by 10-20 reddish-brown scales.

FRUIT: A stalked, prickly 4-valved bur containing triangular, pale brown, shining nuts.

BARK: Smooth, light gray mottled with dark spots.

GENERAL: Found on moist rich soils throughout the Commonwealth but more abundant in the north. An important timber species typically reaching 50′-60′ high but can be higher. The beechnuts are very important food for wildlife including bears, squirrels, turkeys, and grouse. Beech is a handsome shade tree for large open areas in parks and golf courses


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