The Rich Valley brings you the opportunity to lease tangible carbon offset

Everything Is Better With Trees

High Quality Trees

From the Rich Valley comes a rich environment with tangible products.

Wide Range

We offer a wide range of tree leasing options to help you save the environment.

Excellent Services

We offer a wide range of tree leasing options to help you save the environment.

Fast Delivery

Leasing trees for your desired environment needs has never been easier.


Featured Products

It’s the environment

Dear Humanity:

Let us build a bridge to each other

Here is what I do for you:

  •   Clean Air
  •   Water
  •   Food
  •  Energy Conservation
  •  Combat Climate Change
  •  Prevent Water Pollution
  •  Shelter From a Storm

  What can you do to help us?

The Tress of the forest.

Save The Enviroment!

My Tree Lease

My Tree Lease is passionate about the environment. Therefore, with that in mind, we are a for-profit company. Why? Because without a profit we would not be able to grow our business of saving the environment. A profit allows us to save the trees we all care about, to help those that live in the shadows of those forests. Without a profit, we would then have to beg for money and that puts us in a position to compromise our values. We will not compromise our values, nor will we be beholden to special interest groups. We are My Tree Lease, join us as we grow our business of saving the environment.

What will you plant along the trail of your life?

Curated picks from Carbon Daddy

Hand-picked selections from Carbon Daddy for your environmental or memorial needs. Let our team help you today.

Lease your tree today

Our Earth, Our Home


What Our Client Say

With a better environment, we insure a better tomorrow. My Tree Lease is leading the way to a better tomorrow.
Jeanice Ford
Leave something good behind, plant a tree, save a tree and you will impact generations with your good deed.
Pedro Lima
Let us not only protect the trees, but let us also protect the wildlife that inhabits these forests. If we don't we all lose in the end.
Katty Pierce
If you can change the environment around you to be a better place, then you can change the world. My Tree Lease is doing that acre by acre.
Laura Kyle
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